Frequently Asked Questions

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Cancellation and Termination policy

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Translations and Interpretations

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Can I team up with a friend of mine and can we subscribe to the same course? Would it change the price?
Yes, this is possible. We can set up a duo course but only if you have the same level of English. There’s no point in doing the course together if there’s a big difference. You’re both likely not to be entirely satisfied in the long-run.
This solution might be a little more economical for you personally, yes.
Do you only offer individual or also group courses?
We offer duos, trios and groups of four people at most. For more information contact us here.
Can I have a free trial lesson with you?
Sure thing, you can have a free trial lesson with a coach. 🙂 All you have to do is contact us here.
On what days and in which time slots can we schedule our lessons?
Our availability is Monday - Friday, 7:00 - 21:00. At the beginning of your course, we usually give you a couple of days and time slots that you can choose from.
Once we established the first lesson, is it always going to be on the same day and time?
It can be if that’s convenient for you. However, we can also set up an appointment week by week, depending on your needs.
Will there be a certificate at the end of the course that confirms my level?
We can certainly give you an end-of-course report and confirm your participation and improvement.
Do you have any language lessons for children?
No, we don’t. Our approach is entirely moulded on coaching adult professionals. Teaching children requires a totally different expertise as well as teaching techniques.
Do you teach any other languages?
Yes. German. If you need any further information, please contact us here


How do I know what my current level is?
At the beginning of your path with us, you will do a short written and spoken assessment test. Please contact us directly here to set up an appointment with us. This can be online or on the phone.
Is it possible that my level got worse than some years ago?
Unfortunately, yes, it is possible. Language works like any other skill. If you don’t use it, you lose it.
How long does it take for me to reach the next level?
How long does it take to train to run a full marathon after you’ve already successfully run a half marathon? You’ve probably already guessed that the answer to this one is rather complex because it depends on a number of factors, like
1. personal commitment
2. mental flexibility and
3. exposure to the language.
Don’t forget to take into consideration that the more advanced you get, the smaller your improvements will seem. This is perfectly natural and is the same for everybody, so don’t ever think that it’s your shortcoming. You’re still improving but rather than adding quantity (more vocabulary, structures), you’ll be adding quality, i.e. you’ll be focusing on refining your skills. You have already baked the cake, now you need to put the cherry on top.
I’m not a teenager any more. Can I still learn a language?
We’d be out of work if you couldn’t. 😀 Joking aside, though. We firmly believe that anybody can learn anything at any age, thanks to a concept called neuroplasticity. In a nutshell, neuroplasticity is the brain’s capacity to make new neural connections throughout life until the very moment we die. For further information, watch this video on Neuroplasticity - why you're not stuck with the brain that you were born with. It’s not that you CAN’T learn new things as an adult but that you learn them with a DIFFERENT STRATEGY.
I’m a very busy person. Can you please not give me any homework?
Of course we can agree on not setting any homework but in case you are serious about this, please re-evaluate if you are really up for doing this language course or if this is the right moment for you. We’d rather you wait a little longer until you feel it’s the right moment and you can fully dedicate yourself to improving your language skills.
Homework is part and parcel of your learning journey - we can’t beat that drum enough! It’s in that moment that you can apply all the vocabulary and structures we talked about during the lesson. It might have been clear then but it’s essential that you try everything out in a solo flight. That’s how you learn sustainably, become more autonomous and confident all in one fell swoop! Do you really want to miss out on that chance?!?
What’ll be a typical GEL lesson like?
We can give you more detailed information about our special courses if you like, but a “typical” language lesson usually starts with some chatting (including something about you, things you feel like sharing, and about how your learning journey is proceeding and whether you’ve had any difficulties while doing your homework) and going through your work on your LABpoint. So the warm-up is dedicated to consolidation. The rest of the lesson depends on what we have agreed on with you, but you will have plenty of chances to apply what we have learned together. This is where we’ll introduce some free speaking exercises, real life simulations, dialogues, impromptu presentations and the like. If you are still curious how this all works, why don’t we set up a free trial lesson? (click here)


What happens if I have technical difficulties and cannot connect to the lesson?
Generally speaking, you are responsible for your own internet connection. We do understand, though, that there are those days when nothing works and it seems like the whole world has conspired against you. This can happen to everyone. If it doesn’t work, we can try to connect by phone. Please make sure the exception doesn’t become a rule.
What technical pre-know-how do I need?
Just the basics, like knowing how to use the computer in general, how to surf the net, use Word, Excel and how to connect to one of the major video conference platforms. We use Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, Skype and Zoom.
What if I’m not tech-savvy at all?
We can try to reduce the use of technology if we have the possibility to have on-site lessons, but if you truly cannot and/or don’t really enjoy working with the computer at all, please reconsider whether this is the right format for you.
Do I have to buy a text book?
No, you don’t. We’ll provide you with all the material you need. It’ll be sent to you so that you can also print it out (if you wish to do so) or download it to your personal desktop. Since we offer such highly personalised courses, it’s practically impossible to find a whole book that is geared precisely to YOUR needs. Also, we like to mix it up. 😉

Test preps

How much time do I need to get ready for an exam?
That depends whether or not you are already at the required level (or not far away from it).
In case you are, we’d “just” have to work on how to deal with test strategies and it’s safe to say that depending on how much time you can dedicate to self-study and the type of exam, it’ll take around 3 - 6 months.
In case you aren’t at the required level yet, we’d have to add some language lessons to get you to the right level and that would require some additional time.

I need to take an exam in a month. Can you help me?
Yes we can, but ONLY if you are at the right level and have done some previous exam-training yourself and “just” need a little bit of last-minute extra exercise.
If not, sorry, no, we can’t. Preparing for any exam with no previous experience is what we like to call a mission impossible, and we’re not Tom Cruise. 🙂
I would like to take an exam, just to have a certificate in case I need it. Which one should I take?
Here’s an overlook we created with all the different certificates that are available. Do take a look. We can set up a quick chat afterwards to figure it out together. And here is where you can contact us for the chat.
My university requires me to take a certificate. I can choose between Toefl and Ielts. Which one should I apply for?
This is a little hard to answer, as we’d need a little more information about your specific situation. Take a look at this overview (click here) and let’s set up a quick (online) chat (here) after that to figure it out together.
My university requires me to take a certificate. I can choose between B2 First and Ielts. Which one should I apply for?
This is not an easy question to answer. We’d need to know more about your level of English and also about the goals you want to achieve. Check out this overview of the available exams (click here)! We are also available for an (online) chat (contact us here), so we can figure out which exam is right for you.
I’m moving to the USA and my new company requires me to take a certificate. Which one should I apply for?
This is a difficult question to address, because there are several elements to take into consideration. Generally speaking, the certificate that’s asked for the most in the USA is either the TOEFL (for academic purposes) or the TOEIC (for professional cases). Take a look at this overview (click here) and let’s set up a quick (online) chat (here) after that in which we will try to get to the bottom of which exam is best suited for your personal goals.
I’m moving to the UK and my new company requires me to take a certificate. Which one should I apply for?
This is not really a simple question, as several factors must be taken into account. Generally speaking, though, the certificate that’s asked for the most in the UK are the Cambridge exams, so mostly the Cambridge Business certificates (former BEC - for professional cases) and the B2First (former FCE - for academic purposes). Take a look at this overview (click here). Moreover, by clicking here you can contact us to organize a short (online) chat in which we will try to get an idea of which exam is best suited for your personal goals.


Do prices vary depending on my level of English?
No, your level of English doesn’t have the slightest influence on your price offer.
Do courses have the same price?
No, they don’t. The prices depend on various factors, like length of the course, participants and the module. Do take a look at our catalogue of services here and please contact us for more information.
Do online and on-site courses have a different price?
No, they don’t. The quality and the services included won’t change in both cases.
Will it change the price if I subscribe to a duo, trio or group course?
Yes, it will. Please contact us here for more information.
Can I pay in installments?
In some cases, you can. You can contact us here. We will then organize a short (online) chat and explain everything in detail.

Cancellation and Termination policy

Can I cancel a lesson?
You can but you’ll have to notify your coach directly either by text message or email at least within 6 working hours prior to the lesson (example: if your lesson is on Monday at 8, you’ll need to cancel by Friday noon). If you only notify us 4, 3 or 2 (etc.) hours before the class, we reserve the right to count the lesson as a “no show”. That means the lesson will be counted as though we had it. Real emergencies are of course exempt from this rule. “My boss asked me to join a meeting last-minute” doesn’t count as an emergency. 🙂
What happens if I need to cancel a lesson last minute?
What happens if I need to cancel a lesson last minute?
If you do not cancel at least 6 working hours before the lesson, we will consider the lesson as a "no show" (example: you have set your lesson for Monday at 8:00; in this case you must cancel it no later than Friday at 12:00). This means that we will count the lesson as if it had taken place. Of course, if you have a (real) emergency, we will make an exception. After all, we are human beings, too. Remember, though: “My boss asked me to join a meeting last minute” isn't exactly an emergency. 🙂

What happens if for any reason I need to suspend the course?
If, for any reason, you find that you need to suspend your course for some time, we applaud that because nothing is worse than keep doing a job without being fully committed or not being in the right place with your mind.
You can suspend for as long as you need to, just bear in mind that there is an expiration date on the length of your course. If you go beyond that, you’ll lose the rest of your remaining lessons.

What happens if for any reason I cannot start the course but I have already paid for it?
If you need to recede from the course before we have started, we will reimburse 90% of what you paid.
What happens if for any reason I need to terminate the course once it’s already started?
As stated in your contract, we will reimburse 20% of the entire amount of a course that has already begun.
If, however, you have subscribed to an annual course, the installment(s) you’ve already paid won’t be reimbursed.

Translations and Interpretations

Can you translate my CV?
Yes, we can with pleasure. In fact, it is one of the services we provide. Let’s set up a quick chat here to figure out all the details.
What makes a text a standard or a technical text?
It depends on the wording. If you aren’t sure yourself, let us have a sample and we can evaluate it for you at no additional cost. Let’s set up a quick (online) meeting here.
Can you translate a Powerpoint presentation?
We can translate the content but you’d have to provide it in an editable text file (not a pdf).
Can you translate a legal document?
We can translate it for you but we are not legally certified translators. So if you need an official signature, we cannot provide that, unfortunately.

Have more doubts?

We are happy to assist you and clarify any other issue, just contact us!


Our mother tongue and certified coaches have years of experience in the field.


Our lessons are NOT run-of-the-mill automated video courses. We will not leave you at the mercy of some pre-recorded voice.


GEL courses are customised and allow for much flexibility in your English learning journey!

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