“Ingegnere, come sta oggi?” translates into “Engineer, how are you today?”, right? Wrong!
Did you know that it is sometimes almost offensive to use your business partner’s work title to address them?
If you didn’t and you have to deal with a lot of international counterparts, then this LAB is exactly up your alley!
This course targets private and/ or corporate coachees with specific needs to efficiently navigate their way across the minefield of culture-oriented communication.
This course includes
Culture-related texts and audio material
Focus on specific linguistic differences (focus on syntax, idiomatic expressions and conversation dynamics) between your mother tongue and English
Understanding country-specific accents
Simulations in class
Level: B1+
Modality: online or onsite – individual or groups (4 people max)
Do you feel that you have reached a satisfactory level in English, which allows you to speak and be understood with ease but you still spend too much time preparing that meeting because you feel you are just not spontaneous enough to wing an unexpected question?
If that’s your case, boost your functional vocabulary and structures by signing up for our Dynamo LAB.
This course targets private and/or corporate coachees with function-specific needs.
This course includes among others
preparation and simulation of presentations, phone calls, publicspeeches, meetings with authentic material shared by the coachee
mode-specific vocabulary expansion
Impromptu speech drills
Cultural differences between source and target language
Basic enunciation drills
Level: B1+
Modality: online or onsite – individual or groups (4 people max)
Very often it is not so much WHAT you say, but HOW you say it. There is much truth in this English saying and that’s exactly what our Voice Coaching LAB is about. You might be talking about the most engaging topic in the world but if you have a faltering voice, you will still lose your audience.
By the end, you will have learned how to use your voice accurately, how to intonate correctly and how to get your nerves under control before and during speaking.
You will build your self-confidence so that people will want to listen to what you have to say.
This course targets private and/ or corporate coachees who need to give important presentations and/ or public speeches and feel that they can’t catch the audience’s attention due to their flat voice.
This course includes among others
First language-specific basic accent reduction
breathing techniques
a very short theoretical overview of the speaking apparatus and how it works
natural word and sentence intonation
how to set pauses effectively
how to transform your voice into sounding more authoritative and getting rid of that tremble
Speech simulations
Level: B1+
Modality: online or onsite (preferable) – individual
Are you fed up with people identifying your accent right after you’ve hardly said anything?
Reducing your accent kills two birds with one stone: on top of helping you to achieve a more native-like pronunciation, you will also find that your listening skills will significantly improve, as your ear will become more and more fine tuned.
This course targets private and/ or corporate coachees who wish to sound more professional, not only in terms of the structures they use but also with regards to pronunciation.
This course includes among others
a theoretical overview of English vowels and consonants
natural word and sentence intonation
differences between source language and English sounds
Mnemonic devices to remember sounds
lots of practice
Level: B1+
Modality: online or onsite (preferable) – individual
Do you have an overall decent level of English but do you find that one particular skill is not on a par with the others?
Do not look any further - we’ve got the perfect solution right here. In our Skills LAB you can focus on one particular competence and take it to the next level.
This course targets mostly corporate coachees who wish to improve a specificskill so as to facilitate their day-by-day correspondence.
You may choose
SKILLS LAB: WRITING - focusing on how to handle certain forms of written correspondence (such as letters, emails, reports, briefings, memos etc)
SKILLS LAB: READING - focusing on reading techniques to become a faster reader, (of technical texts) while not compromising comprehension.
SKILLS LAB: LISTENING - focusing on listening to a variety of videos, podcasts, interviews, radio transmission and the like, in order to specifically train the prompt understanding of a vast range of different accents. This might be especially helpful if you find that you need to deal with foreign interlocutors and/ or native speakers on a regular basis and are struggling to catch the gist of what they are saying.